
A Letter to Luke

Okay Luke, we're ready. Where are you? Listen, if you are worried about coming out because you have heard all the yelling and loud noises, that' just the Ehoff's. You will love them! If you're afraid that you won't get to enjoy all the wonderful food mommy has been eating, don't worry. She is an AMAZING cook! You will only love her more after you have some of her lasagna. Is it Grandad that has you concerned? Relax, he's not really a vampire. He just makes that face to be silly. You will totally learn to laugh at it. I know it can't be me. I mean, who wouldn't want me as a father? I think it's good thing when people cross themselves and throw holy water on me when i tell them I'm going to be a daddy...right? You're going to love it out here. There are so many wonderful people to meet. They all love you and can't wait to see you. Mommy and I are so anxious to hold you (in our arms, that is - mommy has held you for 41 weeks already). So, as you can see, we are all ready for you. You will obviously know who your mommy is as soon as you make your debut, but just in case you aren't sure which man in the room is your father, look down. I'll probably be passed out on the floor next to mommy's bed, but I will wake up soon.

In all seriousness, Luke, we can't wait to see you! You have already brought SO much joy to our lives. So please hurry. Mommy is uncomfortable and daddy is scared of what she might do to me if you don't hurry up. You want siblings, right? Then COME ON OUT!!!

Mommy & Daddy (but mostly Daddy)


  1. Your Aunt Christa agrees! Your cousins are really tired of waiting. Charlotte can only pray for you to be "healfy and strong" so many more nights!

  2. Grammy & Grandad can't wait to see you either!

  3. I TOTALLY agree!!!!

  4. The way I figure it - you have about 2 1/2 hours to get here! How fun it will be to share birthdays...Luke and Grandad. What a team!
