Well it has been a while so I'm sure you won't be too surprised with all the fun and exciting things Luke has been up to.
Here's a list of highlights since our last posting:
26th - Luke sat up straight for 2-3 min.
27th - Luke learned to stick out his tongue and make noise which included a lot of spit.
29th - Luke is 4 months old.
2nd - Luke growls like a bear.
11th - Luke rolled from his back to his tummy.
14th - Luke's hair was styled by Auntie Amy.
18th - Luke took a bath in the kitchen sink.
Mid September
- Luke learned to sit and play without falling over.
- Luke understands the sign for milk.
- Luke no longer stays in the middle of his bed during naptime or on his back.
- Luke began wearing 6-9 month clothing.
- Luke learned that when we stack blocks he can knock them over.
- Luke continues to love looking at and playing with his hands.
- Luke continues to love when people read to him.
21st - Luke's 4 month check up. 26 3/4 inches tall and 18.3 pounds. This puts him in the 90th percentile for both height and weight.
22nd - Luke ate rice cereal for the first time.
25th - Luke went on his first plane ride to OK to visit Uncle Chris. He was so great!! This was also his first time in a different state.
29th - Luke is 5 months old.
30th - Luke started rolling across the floor.
2nd - Luke ate yams for the first time and loved them.
3rd - Luke had a bit of water with his dinner for the first time.
It is so exciting to watch our son grow and develop, hopefully you are enjoying it as well!
Great Pictures! He is such a happy boy!